Thursday 6 December 2012

2nd Year Exhibition

For our Freedom & Control project at uni, we've had to stage an exhibition. I'm quite nervous about it as I recently found out I have dyslexia and it's knocked my confidence a tad. I am not good at talking about my photos at all, it's a massive downfall of mine and it's rather annoying. The opening night is on 14th December and I'm excited but nervous. My project is called "Urban Decay", here is the paragraph that will go along side my exhibition to explain it a little better.

"Abandoned buildings have beautifully tragic evidence of nature and time taking its course. You can take so much history from these buildings, whether it’s from the physical construction of the building to the graffiti on the walls, vandalized by modern inhabitants. Time has cruel intentions and these buildings are physical proof"




I will make another post about the exhibition after the opening night :)


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