Sunday 9 December 2012

Along Came Betty Range @ Tesco

I was browsing in work, Tesco, when I finished my shift the other night and I stumbled across these little beauties. As you can see, they're an obvious rip off of Soap & Glory, going for the vintage look but I thought I'd give these a try because the prices were really good! They're at an introductory price at the moment, so I'm not how long they will be this cheap for, (hopefully for a while if they work). I picked up 3 products out of a possible 10-15 products. The cute headband is just cute, so why not? It will always come in handy. I will do a run through of what they are but I won't be reviewing them fully today. In about 2 weeks, after using the products throughly, I will do a full review.

Firstly; Brilliant BB Cream in Medium, £2.99.
I didn't notice whether they did these in different shades, I just grabbed the first one I saw, luckily the shade is surprisingly okay for me considering I'm so fair. Like many cosmetic products I use, I am on the hunt for the perfect drugstore BB cream. Being a student, I can't really afford to buy high end products, unless I splash out on myself when student finance arrives, whoops  I have so far tried Maybelline Dream Fresh 8-in-1 BB cream and Rimmel BB 9-in-1 Cream. Unfortunately, both of those made me break out so bad. So the side of the box for Brilliant BB Cream states "5 wonders of BB cream: 1. Sheer Coverage, 2. Radiant Appearance, 3. Luminous Complexion, 4. Moisturises, 5. UV Protection". It has an SPF of 15, which isn't as high as the other two I have tried, but maybe thats why they made me break out, we shall see. My first thought when I tested it on my hand was how lovely the consistency is. It's not too runny or too thick, it blends really well and makes my skin feel super soft afterwards. I think I might be onto a winner here & at £2.99, it's rude to refuse but only time will tell.

Second; Foaming Lovely Face Wash, £1.99
I'm not usually a massive fan of face wash, but lately I've been getting more spots and dry skin than I've ever had so figured I need to start looking after my skin properly. I haven't used this yet so haven't got a lot to say about it at the moment so I'll go through the basis of the product. You can't really see the writing well in the pictures as I was taking them at half 2 in the morning so lapsed a little, but the bottle says "Introducing Kakadu Plum, Skin Conditioning Super Fruit'. Well I just had to google it because well not every fruit is a super fruit!
"Science has identified the Aboriginal bushfood known as the kakadu plum as the world’s richest natural source of vitamin C, which makes it an excellent ingredient in skincare products. As we know, vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and an essential nutrient to help slow the aging process. Vitamin C is essential for the formation of proline, an amino acid that is required to make collagen. Due to its massive vitamin C content, kakadu plum is becoming an increasingly popular ingredient in skincare products." 
Well I think that says it all to be honest. I can't wait to try this, it smells amazing!

Lastly; Be Firm Arms & Legs Toning Cream, £2.99
Every time I go into Boots, I stare at the Soap & Glory Sit Tight cream and ponder whether to buy it and my mind always tells me no but my heart really wants to buy it. £16 seems a lot of money for some cream that might not even work, I'm very skeptical of many products until I've tried them but I don't like spending a lot of money on products. I'm my own worst enemy really. So when I saw this in Tesco, it was in my basket within about 5 seconds. £2.99 isn't a lot of money to waste so I thought why not. If this one works, then I know the Soap & Glory one will so I might bite the bullet and finally purchase it. So Be Firm cream has vitamin E, jojoba oil, orange peel and algae extracts and the bottle states that it is a "Cellulite Busting Formula". Unfortunately, I do have cellulite on my legs which I desperately want gone, or if not gone, looked after, toned down if you will. After christmas, I will be hitting the gym and seriously healthy eating, but even that doesn't guarantee the complete loss of cellulite so hopefully this cream will help in some way. The cream is quite thick and you can feel it on your skin for a while which is a downfall for me. I love light creams that you can't even tell you've applied. However if this cream works, that will not bother me in the slightest! Again this is the kind of product I need to use for a while to see the full effect, probably even longer than two weeks. Fingers crossed!

I will write a full review, including how I got along with them and whether I will purchase them again etc on all three products in roughly two to three weeks. I want to give them time to work before I can recommend them. Speak soon!

Saturday 8 December 2012

Recent Purchases;

Recently, I brought these two products which I am absolutely in love with. They are Vo5 Miracle Concentrate Elixir with Argan Oil and Rimmel Scandal Eyes Kohl Eyeliner. I've wanted to get both of them for a while but never got round to it, basically forgot, whoops. Well anyway, I finally got them and I have been using them enough to give a good full review.

First; the Vo5 Miracle Oil. Beginning of Autumn, I decided to dye my hair red as I was sick of having black hair. As you can imagine, the process involved bleaching my hair but I used a different product than usual. I used a Garnier High Lighter Bleach & it was the worst mistake of my life! I had to use even more product because of that terrible product, which in turn absolutely ruined my hair. My friend, Beccy, recommended this to me a while back so I automatically thought of this when I needed something to repair my hair. I've been using it for about 2 weeks now every time I've washed my hair and the difference is amazing. A few drops of this stuff goes a long way, so you just need a few drops in the palm of your hand and rub it through towel dried hair, mainly through the ends. My hair feels so amazingly soft, I can't stop running my fingers through it. I'd recommend this product to literally anyone. Even if your hair isn't damaged, it might help to keep it feeling nice and soft. It costs round about £5, but I brought it on a 3 for 2 offer with my John Frieda Red Shampoo so technically didn't pay for it :3

Secondly; Rimmel's Scandal Eyes Waterproof Kohl Eyeliner. For a while now, I've been on a hunt for the perfect 'drugstore' black kohl eye liner. Majority of the ones I've tried have either not been pigmented enough or have rubbed off and smudged around my eyes throughout the day thus making me look like a panda. However cute pandas are, it is definitely not a good look. I was recently watching Fleur De Force's November favourites video on youtube and this eyeliner was included, in black and nude. I will invest in the nude version as well as it's the perfect colour for the waterline if you want a natural look. So I brought the black and was instantly impressed. The formula is more like a gel eyeliner in the form of a kohl pencil. I am a massive fan of gel eyeliner so this won me over instantly. It's perfect for harsh lines but it smudges easily to make a smokey eye effect. However it only smudges if you do it on purpose. Once you smudge it on purpose, it then doesn't move. I wore it as a harsh line on my lids at work and it didn't smudge at all, no panda eyes! Fantastic. I brought it whilst it was £3.98 on offer in Asda but I think that might be the price of it anyway, which is fantastic considering how amazing it is. I'm a massive fan and can't wait to try out the other colours!

Thursday 6 December 2012

2nd Year Exhibition

For our Freedom & Control project at uni, we've had to stage an exhibition. I'm quite nervous about it as I recently found out I have dyslexia and it's knocked my confidence a tad. I am not good at talking about my photos at all, it's a massive downfall of mine and it's rather annoying. The opening night is on 14th December and I'm excited but nervous. My project is called "Urban Decay", here is the paragraph that will go along side my exhibition to explain it a little better.

"Abandoned buildings have beautifully tragic evidence of nature and time taking its course. You can take so much history from these buildings, whether it’s from the physical construction of the building to the graffiti on the walls, vandalized by modern inhabitants. Time has cruel intentions and these buildings are physical proof"




I will make another post about the exhibition after the opening night :)


finally got myself a blogspot

I have no idea what i'm doing here, it's all alien to me. i'm sure i'll get used to it soon though.

So I'm currently in the middle of making myself a website for my photography but I'm getting annoyed with not being able to share my work. I'm not really fond of flickr, tumblr is no good for that and well. facebook just decide to they own your photos as soon as you upload them so I'd rather not share work there. So until I get my website up and running, which might be a while, I will use this blog :) I will also do reviews on movies, games, make up etc & general posts about daily life. Might even do my week in pictures :)